
Effectiveness of IPD for a Fast Track Biotech Construction Project

- Effectiveness of IPD for a Fast Track Biotech Construction Project -

June 6, 2018


Working as part of a GC-at-Risk/IPD Team for a $25 million fast track project for a confidential biotech client, Gayner Engineers begun the design work in November 2017 with a targeted construction completion date of July 2018.  The Design Team submitted the permit set for plan check in January 2018 with three separate packages, including  demolition, underground utility, and building, as an effort to expedite the approval process.  The project consists of GMP manufacturing and development spaces, which require validated utilities, building system with redundancy provision, new MEP systems, emergency power, and a validated environmental monitoring system.  Using full Revit production, MEP utilities are coordinated and accurately reflected in our construction document. 

As a result, the MEP subcontractors have bypassed their own shop and coordination drawing process and used our drawings for construction purposes in the field. This effort greatly assisted and expedited the construction schedule greatly.  Gayner Engineers continues to work closely with the project stakeholders and the construction team to update the construction documents as details and different requirements are being developed.  Our senior personnel attend weekly construction meetings and are on top of all construction activities on a daily basis to provide timely support for any questions from the field.  The project is close to substantial completion and is on schedule to begin the commissioning and validation process.  The result of the extraordinary progress of this time pressing project demonstrates the effectiveness of a highly collaborative team and commitment of the team members.